
The gothic elegance of Milton Abbey has provided a striking backdrop for some of APOLLO5’s most memorable concerts and musical milestones. A setting for the realisation of new concepts and special, one-off performances – all in front of a “home crowd” of close supporters and friends – the Abbey has become something of a second residence for the group, with annual appearances as part of the VOCES8 Summer School and Festival. During its millennium-long history, the Abbey has been rebuilt, resold, and restored, a witness to spiritual change and progressive tastes. This evolutionary existence provides a suitable canvas for APOLLO5’s 2024 offering, which marks a significant but bittersweet moment in the group’s history. With this concert we say farewell to Oli Martin-Smith, the ensemble’s tenor for seven eventful seasons. Expect a programme rich in APOLLO5 favourites old and new, celebrating the development of the group and nodding towards its future.

In July, all roads lead to Milton Abbey. Join APOLLO5 for what’s sure to be an emotional evening of entertainment, and a pivotal moment in the evolution of the ensemble.


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£14 | USD 18 | EUR 16 | CAD 24 | AUD 27 | JPY 2750