Summer 2024

A Kaleidoscope of Musical Wonder

Welcome to LIVE From London Summer 2024. This 14th festival feast of eleven concerts features captivating international artists such as US supergroup Chanticleer, the Swedish barbershop showmen of Ringmasters as well as the much-loved Ex Cathedra, through to emerging stars such as newly formed women’s vocal ensemble Lyyra. Including repertoire from Monteverdi’s magnificent Vespers of 1610 to films showcasing the dramatic natural landscapes of the Faroe Islands which provide the backdrop for Mars Smith’s cinematic journey Faroe Islands: Echoes on the Wind.

LIVE From London is delighted to welcome soprano Paula Sides and pianist Sergey Rybin to perform Poulenc’s dramatic La Voix Humaine. Pianist Fiachra Garvey enchants with Debussy and Ravel in his programme Fairytales and Fantasy, whilst singer-songwriter China Moses infuses Classical Soul with her signature blend of soul and jazz.

VOCES8 ignites the festival with a concert of its favourite pieces this season and performs in two others alongside its US and UK VOCES8 Scholars from venues as far apart as Houston and Milton Abbey, Dorset in repertoire from Victoria to Parry. APOLLO5 gives a very special concert marking a pivotal moment for the ensemble.

Purchase a season ticket to enjoy the kaleidoscope of musical wonder, breadth and depth on offer in this summer’s LIVE From London.


£85 | USD 110 | EUR 100 | CAD 145 | AUD 160 | JPY 16500


£14 | USD 18 | EUR 16 | CAD 24 | AUD 27 | JPY 2750



Your LIVE From London ticket includes an offer to save 20% on subscriptions to Gramophone and Choir & Organ, the leading magazines for fans of choral music! Enter code LIVE24 at the checkout to claim your discount


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    * There has been a typing error. Please check if the voucher code was entered correctly. We advise where possible, copying and pasting the voucher. If typing, you must press enter on your keyboard before the code will be registered.

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  • We offer a discount of 40% season ticket to current students. Please scan any official confirmation of your status - e.g. a student ID - and send us the file via